As the Life & Legacy program enters its fourth and final year, JFS staff interviewed Life & Legacy and JFS Board member Jessica Samet to hear her perspective on the program and her own legacy.
How did you first get involved with JFS?
Jessica Samet: I first came to JFS as an intern Masters of Social Work student in about 1993. I was fortunate to have Ellen Glass as my field instructor! When I was asked to join the JFS Board a few years ago, it felt I had come full circle.
Is there a specific JFS program you connect to the most?
JS: In my current work as a social worker for The Alzheimer’s Association, my focus is on supporting families and individuals living with dementia. Because of this, the home care, care management and senior engagement areas of JFS are closest to my heart.
There’s so much new science out there pointing to loneliness as a cause of poor mental and physical health in seniors. JFS takes that very seriously and trains all our volunteers and staff to engage with senior clients like friends or family members.
Why did you decide to make a Life & Legacy gift to JFS?
JS: Serving others is one of the most important values in our family. My husband, Richard and I have always been involved in organizations and causes that are meaningful to us. We also model it to our kids, hopefully passing down that drive to help others however they can, be it with their time and expertise or financially.
Making a gift to Life & Legacy is a way that we can continue to be of help even after we are gone. Because of Life & Legacy, I know seniors and their caregivers will get the care they need from JFS for many years to come!
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