Jewish Family Services held our Annual Meeting on Monday, June 17th at Maymont Nature Center to celebrate the 170th year of transforming lives and strengthening our community. This year in particular, we understand our work is achieved through a persistent focus on the JFS mission, dedication to working with partners, and the commitment of outstanding volunteers, donors and staff.
New and Expanding Programs
This was the pilot year of the Richmond Jewish Care Line, a partnership of the entire Jewish Community with JFS, providing individuals in crisis with confidential access to services and limited financial assistance. Because of the Care Line, almost twenty families and forty individuals received critical resources for stability while they worked through life’s challenges.
On May 19th, JFS and Connecting Hearts sponsored a match event to find forever homes for children in foster care. Seven potential families were formed, including a wonderful family choosing a sibling group of three.
In April, Jewish Family Services began serving the East End with the first on site Personal Care Aide (PCA) School. This had been a dream for JFS for over two years and was made possible by a gift from a local donor and partnerships with many East End organizations. In May, fourteen graduates began careers as PCAs at JFS.
For the past few years, JFS identified the increased need to support seniors experiencing social isolation and loneliness. JFS expanded counseling services to fourteen assisted and senior living centers in the Richmond area, meeting seniors where they are with services they need to feel connected with others.
- L to R Chris Greenberg, Weinstein JCC Board Member, with Rosemary Seltzer, JFS secretary
- L to R – JFS Board Member, Cindy Boswell with Seon Rockwell, JFS Tresurer
- Wendy Kreuter, JFS CEO, with, Rabbi Beifield newly installed JFS Board Member
- Sandy Sisisky presenting Ron Felmus with engraved clock honoring his commitment during the past two years as JFS Board President
- Sandy Sisiksy’s daughter, Samantha and dear friend Faith Kallman, Beth El Executive Director and past JFS staff celebrating Sandy’s installment as President
- Rabbi Knopf delivering the D’var Torah
- Mark and Susan Sisisky commemorating Sandy’s installation as JFS Board President
- L to R Shanaye La Beaud, newly installed JFS board member with Ellen Glass and Sydney Fleischer who both celebrate 30 years at JFS
- L to R Jewish Community Leaders – Ellen Renee Adams, JCFR President; Sandy Sisisky, JFS President; Sara Villalona, Weinstein JCC President
New Board Members
Thank you to the JFS leadership who supported our clients and community this past year. Thank you, Ron Felmus for two years of dedication and commitment to JFS as Board President. We deeply appreciate Bernie Henderson, who served as JFS Board President and immediate Past-President for the last four years. Thank you to Rabbi Michael Knopf and Kathy Kennedy for your years of leadership as JFS board members.
We are excited to welcome four new members to the JFS Board, Kenneth Golden, Shanaye La Beaud, Rabbi Martin P. Beifield, Jr., and Dr. Michael Mandel.
Ken Golden has been a key leader for decades, serving as JFS Board President from 1984-1986 and supporting JFS as we grow to meet our clients’ needs.
Shanaye La Beaud joined JFS as part of a business research project with the Executive MBA program at VCU, and we are grateful for her insight as JFS expands our reach.
Rabbi Beifield is the former Rabbi of Congregation Beth Ahabah and past board member of JFS for almost a decade. His relationships and knowledge will be invaluable as we continue to strengthen the commitment to JFS’ mission during our 170th year.
Dr. Michael Mandel comes with more than twenty years of medical expertise, which will be crucial as we serve clients through every phase of life.
We are grateful for the new and established voices joining the JFS Board. Finally, congratulations to Sandy Sisisky in her new role as JFS Board President. Welcome to our new officers, Martin Miller, First Vice President; Sara Griebel, Second Vice President; Seon Rockwell, Treasurer; and Rosemary Seltzer, Secretary.
You’re Invited!
We are proud to continue our 170 year tradition of pursuing Tikkun Olam, transforming our community one person at a time. We invite you to celebrate JFS’ past, present and future at our birthday party on Sunday, October 6 at the Virginia War Memorial from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. To learn more, RSVP or volunteer, please contact Morgan Goad at, (804) 282-5644 ext. 231, or visit the event web page.
JFS' 2019 Annual Meeting – Jewish Family Services Richmond